Sunday, May 06, 2007

Sunday Evening Musings

*sigh* I am happy.

I played drums today at church for the first time in a couple years. I don't know how well I did (I think I did awesome actually, but I don't know if I was just hearing what I wanted to hear or what), but it was sure fun to get back up there and beat on the skins.

No, not the forskins. Ass.

Anyway, it was a lot of fun. We didn't have a bass player, which kinda sucked, but we did have a good sound guy who was able to make up for it (as best as you can - you really don't want to be stuck without a bass player) in the EQ. I dug out my trusty snare drum and put a new batter-head on it, and took it for a ride. I love the drum - it's a Yamaha 14' X 4' copper-shelled picolo - got a great crack to it with nice warm overtones, but that's assuming I can tune it properly. It's been a while and I was never very good to begin with.

I'm going to talk to an instructor and see what kind of tips they may have to offer.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Another friggin' night

The highlight of my night so far is a customer to remain nameless (it starts with an "I", ends with an "M" and has a "B" in the middle) calling to change back some minor temporary changes to a couple of circuits, finding they didn't work, getting their shit in a knot and escalating all the way to hell and back (removing my escalation prime from his birthday celebration), only to find out that it was their own problem to begin with.

Typical. I hate some of our customers. Especially these guys.

Other than that, "A League of Their Own" is on TV, so I'm watching that. We'll see what else happens in a few hours.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Random 2AM ramblings

So, I'm working this morning. Yup, a graveyard shift. They suck, mostly because there's nothing to do. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm keeping myself occupied (at last count, I'm watching "The Shawshank Redemption", tooling around on Facebook, scratching out this blog entry, testing a T1 for Bell Mobility and waiting on Telus to give me some test results for a PRI), but even though that sounds like a lot, it's really not and it doesn't leave me with much on the go. I have my iPod, so I can listen to music, but no one's calling me for anything, no tickets are showing up in my queue. There's really not a lot of "test centre" things to be done.

That's what I do now, by the way. I work in a network test centre. I take data circuits (mainly T1's, but some 10/100Mbit and fractional T1's) for customers and troubleshoot them if there's a problem, trying to find faults in the physical continuity of the cable.

Anyway, back to this. The worst part about being on a midnight shift is that I'm the only one here. There's not enough to do to justify having two people on, so there's only one. And it gets quite lonely.

Doesn't make for much of a social life either, and that's the worst part. I'd love to be able to say that the company I work for recognizes I have a life outside of work, but I can't. Not in my experience. Because of this stupid shift work I can't make plans based on any kind of consistant schedule, I have to make sure that all my plans revolve around whatever shift I may be working on any given day, and I'm not able to do the things that my friends are doing on their days off because I'm usually working.

For example, this weekend, my roommates and friends are going out to a cabin to celebrate a birthday. I would have loved to go, but I'm working. Yup, I'm working three graveyards in a row and tonight's the first one. I won't be off until Sunday morning.

I have to find a new job.

So, yet again, I'm not able to make myself available for a social occasion because of my job. I hate that. I'm not the most social person to begin with, and this isn't the best way to change that.

Whatever. I'm looking at possibilities. We'll see what happens.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

What the hell, people?!?!?!

I go all the way down to the church for a meeting tonight, cut through downtown in the middle of rush hour, going all the way from 32nd Ave NE and Edmonton Trail to Glenmore Tr. and Elbow SW, and find the friggin' place empty. If you're gonna cancel something, at least let us peons know!

What a waste of time and fuel. Now I'm pissed off.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Saw Grindhouse tonight - it was friggin' awesome.

I liked the concept for Death Proof (maniac kills with his car) better than Planet Terror (generic zombies-take-over), but PT was done better than DP. Good movie all around though. Great kill scenes.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Things I hate...

Here's an incomplete and random list of things that I hate in this world:


You just KNOW that someone's set to make a metric ass-tonne of money off this whole thing. Hypocrites.


Come on, are you that arrogant? Don't call me closed-minded, you're the one who claims human beings are top of the heap. If that's true, what a sad and sorry heap it is. Naive bastard.


They've won. Get over it.

Windows vs. Mac

When it all comes down to it, whatever works for you is the better operating system. People who try to tout one's features over another, and then make you feel inferior for not going with their choice should be lined up and shot. Elitist bastards.

Future Shop/Best Buy Salespeople

They don't know their asses from a hole in the ground. The sooner you realize that they have just as much, if not even less, knowledge than you about the product they're advising you on, they better off you'll be. Trust me, honesty is not an employable trait that they're looking for.

That's all I can think of right now. I'll post more as they come.

Blog Changes

Made some changes to the layout, as well as the name. That one always sounded weird and forced to me, so I changed it to something more befitting a cynical a-hole like me.

Don't know how often I'll be updating, but at least it's on my radar again.

New Post

It's been over a year, so I thought I'd post something.


Monday, February 13, 2006

Operational Performance 2: Electric Boogaloo

So I got hauled into my bosses office this afternoon to talk about OPR's. Apparently the numbers are in, the bonus' have been calculated and the payouts are set to go out on the 24th of this month.

I ended up with a bonus of just over $1700. This is mostly because I wasn't working for the company for half the year, so it would have been a lot higher if I was there since January. Oh well, more to look forward to next year, I guess.

I also got a raise, and apparently it's quite high. I guess I had to be brought up to the same level as a lot of the other people in the department because I was still the new guy. This works out to another $3500/year, so I'm not complaining.

I'm happy about that.